Present your innovations and engage
Expect an even bigger and better plast & printpack alger 2025. Take part and profit from the booming Algerian economics!
Exhibiting is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Contact us
Get started by letting us contact you through your prefered way of communication - use the contact form below!

2. Secure your stand
Find out more details on national pavillions and special interest areas. Chose between modular stand construction or individual stand design.
3. Have it your way
Once registered, you can present your company in our digital exhibitor gateway Exportal - various options await!
This is how happy our exhibitors were in 2024

intend to participate again

would recommend the event to their network

were satisfied with the event as a whole
Xavier Hostekint
Latife Karabulut
Lionel Cassiani-Ingoni
pbh France
You‘re interested but you‘re not sure about your needs?
Let‘s talk!
You don‘t need to know every single detail, yet. Let‘s connect, find your perfect solution and get you the most valuable business contacts!

After submitting your information, an experienced Project Manager
will contact you via your desired way of communication.
We‘re looking forward getting in contact with you!